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Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Being in a college, where every day one or the other bugger would be down due to hangover, has seriously made me write this post. I can’t see my friends being all low and the reason for it being “The hangover”. This is how the technical definition of the hangover goes. Hangover could be defined as the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. The most commonly reported characteristics of a hangover includes, headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, thirst typically after the intoxicating effect of the alcohol begins to wear off.

Why has to one go through all this shit? Why can’t just someone enjoy drinks without being bothered by the so called “Hangover”? Damn, I hate to say this but Hangover; you are one thing that almost everyone hates.

Don’t know why I said that, but what the heck. One night we are having a fabulous time wherein the world appears as the party, lots of people are going wild and getting completely lost. It is at that point that one tends to see himself as the king of the world but damn this hangover. Seriously, hangover, if you are reading this, then let me tell you one thing that nobody likes you and if at all we could, we would strangle you to death. Come on, how one can be so shameless, despite of the fact that you are just hated by everyone and you still visit people. If I were in your place, then I would have never bothered people who on no occasion would want to see me. But you are one of those shameless species that you do not seem to mind at all.

But not to worry, everything comes with a cure, so some day there would be cure that would prevent people who drink from seeing your murky face the next morning. However, for now you can continue troubling people how much ever you want.

Let me mind you one thing, no matter what you do, people will still continue partying and drinking. Finally I log off by raising a toast to the undying spirit of every single sincere drinker.

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