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Friday, June 8, 2012

I am an INDIAN!

We tend to send so many of those useless forwards on love, idiotic mindless PJ’s, or on friendship. I do not say that sending forwards is wrong, but take some time for things that actually need your attention. Recently I posted an article on how tigers, that are supposed to be our Indian national animal, are killed so brutally and to my surprise just one girl read it and showed her support. (Thank you Ankitha for that). And some people post things like, hea hea, sad sad and you look at the extent to which comments, Likes, unlike and what not flows! Weird isn’t?  

I am sorry if I am being too insolent. But do u even realize that India is facing serious crisis. Every damn thing in our country is getting so difficult. I mean, the entire system sucks. We have to do something. Keeping the major issues apart, we now need to focus on how we can curb down the fall on the Indian Rupee against the Dollar. But the question is, can we make a huge difference? I would say.. YES!

According to a recent study made, more than 30,000 crore rupees of foreign exchange are being siphoned out of our country on products such as cosmetics, snacks, tea, beverages, etc which are grown, produced and consumed in our own country as well. Then why consume those products manufactured by those foreign companies, when we have an alternate being produced here. By doing this a major portion of the profits that these MNC’s reap can be curbed down and hence prevent the further devaluation of Indian Rupee.

I need to reach out to as many Indians as possible. It is for a cause, a noble cause to save our country. Each one of us should become a leader for this awareness. Now, this in any case doesn’t mean that we need to give up our lifestyle. It is anyway not possible for you, neither for me. But why not allow Indian companies reap profits rather than allowing others.

You might be wondering what exactly do I mean by telling Absolutely Indian products. Can’t you switch from Camay, Lux, Dove or Pears to Santhoor, Mysore Sandal, Medimix? Can’t we eat Tandoori chicken, Vada Pav, Idli, Dosa, Puri, Uppuma instead of KFC’s, Mc’ Donalds, Pizza Hut, etc. Can’t we use Vicco Vajradanthi instead of Colgate, Pepsodent. Infact, we are using almost every product that is allowing them to reap profits and not us namely, Pepsi, Coke, Colgate, Close-up, Old Spice, Sunsilk, Pantene, Vodafone, etc.  and you still cant find an alternate product then my dear Indian, you are not fit to be in India.!

Name a product and google it, and it then you realize that it is them who are actually getting benefited by this. Let us take a firm decision today. Let us buy Indian products to remain as an Indian. I am not against the foreign products neither I am an anti- multinational. And mind you, neither I am a marketing professional who is marketing for Indian products. I don’t say I don’t use foreign products. Even I have been using, dove soap, L’Oreal Shampoo, Oriflame products, etc.  But, I am ready to let go them, and switch to alternate products that are manufactured in house.

I am trying to save my nation. It is pretty obvious that we can’t give up all the products, but we can do our bit by giving up at least a product or two because it is the little drops that make the mighty ocean.

Let us all at least TRY to be an INDIAN!!
Jai Hind.!


  1. wonderfully written and very good subject to think and act upon,,,, brilliant work ... hats off to you Ms Oriflame

  2. Awesome !!..Some basics to start with ;)

    1. yep su.. they are actually some basics to begin with..
