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Monday, February 27, 2012

To all My Dear Volleyball Mates........

Yesterday’s match was so thrilling. My head was throbbing, and I just could not see straight. The score was 6, and their score was 11 and the game was for 15.  We were down by five, with sets equaled to two each, and were trying to catch up. It was our turn to serve, and I said to myself please don't mess up! Alas! The serve is over, but out of bounds. ( As Sachin said, if it was cricket, it would be a sixer, but sadly it was not cricket but volleyball, and it was Out!) The other team cheered and it was now their turn to serve. Their serve was straight to the net and we cheer. We were coming alive! But within minutes things changed and started turning out in their favor.

As you all know, Volleyball is an intense game. But when you win or lose, no one can be blamed.It was that day of our lives when luck was just not on our side.

But amidst this, what is more important is that, If you can react the same way to winning and losing, that’s a big accomplishment. That quality is important because it stays with you the rest of your life, and there’s going to be a life after volleyball, that’s a lot longer than your volleyball life.
Three cheers for all our awesome volleyball players. You are our champs and no matter what.. You guys rock!! 

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