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Monday, March 26, 2012

Will the Vehicles Remain Thirsty this Summer?!?!

All of us are aware of the fact that petrol price will soon be raised, not by one, two or five rupees, but by  rupees 7.5 a litre.  If this continues, the day wouldn't be far when the vehicles will have to remain more thirsty in this hot damn summer and all we can do is, feel sorry for them or yest again, are we just going to fall prey to this?

Petrol price would be hiked for the nth time, and the people tend to make hue and cry with this issue for two days and then we tend to adapt ourselves to it. I remember the times, when I used to refill with twenty rupees petrol. Gone are those days.
I don’t understand the pricing mechanism adopted by our country when other countries offer petrol at cheaper rates despite of the fact that they import it directly.
Seems like petrol is to the Indian Government what alcohol is to the Kerala state Government.

Recently I came across this piece of story,
“A horse and a chicken were playing in a farm. Suddenly, the horse falls into the quicksand and starts sinking. He quickly shouts out to the chicken to go and get the farmer so that he could help in pulling out the horse. The chicken goes out …tries her best but is not able to find the farmer. Desperate to help her friend, she drives back in the farmer’s Mercedes Benz C Class bought on Mercedes Star Lease Plan. The chicken then ties a rope to the car’s bumper and throws the rope for the horse to latch on to. She then drives the car fast out…and the horse gets out on land, safe.

Being animals, the horse and the chicken don’t learn their lesson and continue to play in the same area. A few days later the chicken falls into the quicksand. Faced with the prospect of dying, the chicken requests the horse to run to the farmer and fetch him for help. But the horse refuses. He says, “I think I can stand by the edge of the quicksand and pull you over. So he stretches over the edge and the chicken gets out safely”.  We, Indians are like the chicken. We forget that we should stretch our legs to the coffin’s length. Your neighbor has 2 cars, so I will have three. Do you actually need it??  Don’t you feel bad when you spend so much of money every single day on fuel and if you don’t, then I am sorry to say, you are not an Indian.

Ah.. well, coming back to Petrol price hike, let they hike the price whenever the crude oil price is increased in global market but are they reducing the prices when they get reduced?
On an average, this is what I could draw from the past observations.

Increase in the price in the last six months Rs 7/-
Decrease in the price in the six months - HALF A RUPEE!!

Don’t you guys think that we should give a second thought on this? Don’t you think that there is some kick back in the deal?
Do you know why the speculations of the fuel price hike runs for more than a week? The answer is simple. It is because the petrol bunks can make money with their old stock but it’s quite unfortunate that we fall prey to it.
Why the government should wait till the election results are to be declared?
Why can’t the authorities just go on a raid-spree finding hotels using domestic gas cylinders and not commercial cylinders for cooking?
Why the cars can’t be raided for using domestic cylinders (subsidized) and not commercial cylinders to fuel their vehicle?

All my dear Indian citizens, do you know that, for every Rupee a common citizen pays for the petrol, only 49% of it goes to the oil companies and the rest to the Government.
Why? Do you want answers to all these questions, then ask the Holy Government! It’s sad that we hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones as government officials.

Cant we do anything about it? well, we can. Although, I wouldn’t sit and preach things like, stop using your vehicles for a travel distance less than 2 km neither I am going to say that start using the public transport, because we are however not going to do that.

United we stand, divided we fall. Why can’t we take a day off and rest at home, and also allow our vehicles to rest for a day. This could be our way to protest! Give it a thought, if the entire nation doesn’t use their vehicles on the same day; imagine the amount of loss the petrol bunks will face. It was they who decided to hike the price, so they reap it. 

We are Indians; we are brave and respect the brave but despise a coward. Let’s do it before it’s too late.

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