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Sunday, April 1, 2012

“I hate it how your best friend dumps you when they find their new, best friend."

Falling out with friends is more traumatic than breakup. Surely, people come and go but friendships are supposed to last forever, right? I strongly used to believe that. Err, but I was so so wrong. 

By some means, after repetitive incidents that happened in my life, I have vagueness about the whole idea of “best friends”. Sometimes, you just have to face the reality. So, what happens when a person doesn’t even smile back at you who once used to be your best friend? It never occurred to me to think about it until one day. It was that day, when I noticed that my friendship with my childhood best friend.. started to fall apart. 

We had been together since LKG till class 9.  I thought we would always be there for each other. Little did I know that I was so wide off the mark. I felt that I should try to fix things but once you start speaking a different language, there’s not a whole lot one can do about it. It’s a call. It’s an alarm that it’s time to part. 
Something similar happened to me. We were not just friends but best of the best friends. Our friendship was not only known to all in my primary school but also in the high school. We were tagged as “the best friends”. To justify this, let me begin with a small episode. This was when I was in 1st standard and my school timings were from 8AM to 1PM. But every Saturdays I had my dance class, which started soon after class. So much did I plead her to join the dance class but she didn’t. Atlast I quit my dance class because we both had a common school auto and Saturday was the only day when I could go with her in my auto till her place and then my auto uncle would drop me home. (I would miss this chance, if I continued with my dance class) and mind you this is dated back to 1994. Such was my commitment .

We were put in different classes in sixth standard. We were crying, and the hollers didn’t end. But then we decided to take the same language as our elective and hence would be in the same class in class eight. And so did it happen. Finally we were back. I thought we were back for good but I had no clue what I had in store for me. Days rolled by, and I was in the TT team, and I badly wanted her to be a part of the team. I started carrying two TT bats, and taught her to play TT and ensured that she was the part of the girls TT team of my school as the 3rd player. We won the district level match but according to the rules, only first two players from the winning team could go to state levels. I tried my best but rules are rules and I had to abide by them.

But different was the situation when I returned from the match. She had changed her place, and was sitting with her NEW best friend. I was shocked, but still I went to her and I smiled at her. She smiled back but half-heartedly. Since I was absent for more than three days, I had lot of notes pending. I asked for her notes and she flatly denied. That was it. I never asked why? I never asked her why she changed her place, or why she doesn’t want to smile at me, or why she denied giving her notes to me. I just told to myself, she was not worth my friendship.
When my best friend, started to become the person that I hardly knew, I asked myself, do I even know this  girl? 

Friendship fall-out is painful. Ask the people around you and they’ll tell you that friends are as important as family. She alone was equal to my family. I needed her. I was all alone without her. It was hard to wave goodbye to my friendship that lasted for a decade.

No matter what reason she would give in, it’s hurt to end it. Either she had done the dirty on me, or we just simply grew apart. I think in my case, She and I had gone into our own separate ways of thinking. 
But it was a lesson learning experience.

A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.

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