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Friday, April 6, 2012

An Unforgettable ride!

Yipppee!! I said to myself.. I was very fascinated by the fact that, I would go on a camel ride, I was all geared up..  This happened when I along with my cousins had been to the fair nearby.
It was a perfect day out on a fine Sunday until I saw the camel. I told to myself, no matter what I would go on a camel ride. My cousin was not at all impressed with the idea, but I am me and poor girl. She had to come along.

We went to the camel care taker and said we want a camel ride. He said ok, but only one person at a time. I was irritated to hear that. I said, if we are sitting we both (me and my cousin) would sit together, else thanks to you and your camel.  He tried telling me, that is the way it’s supposed to be and blah blah.. But I was in no mood to listen to him and he finally gave up and agreed.  There were no boundaries to my excitement.. Finally I would be sitting on a camel.

The camel was on its knees, and was waiting for us to sit on it. It was my sister who sat first, and I had to go in next. I put my right leg across and before I could actually sit properly, to my tremor and shock the camel got up. (damn.. it didn’t even allow me to sit properly!!)  Oooooohhhh my!! I was literally half in air trying to balance on the camel, and my sister was happily sitting and enjoying the scene.. Soon did I realize that not only my sister, but the people around there were having a good laugh.. ( I only hoped neither of my schoolmates were around ;) )

Believe it or not, even the camel care taker was enjoying the jiffy, and I out of no choice looked at him in disgust, then he made the camel to stop and atlast I somehow managed to sit safely. Though camel rides usually tends to be calm, it was a mere roller coaster ride for me..

I was almost to curse the camel, but before long did I realize that the camels are trained in a way such that it tends to get up once it feels the weight on its shoulder. (no wonder the camel care taker was insisting on just one person at a time.. wish I had listened to him.. :) )

So next time you go on a camel ride, BEWARE!! :P

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